The Polyamory Handbook
a user's guide
Door: Peter BensonHandboek voor beginnende polyamoristen.
Jaar: 2008
Uitgever: Authorhouse
ISBN: 9781434373441
Amazon.com: You’ve probably heard of polyamory-expanded loving relationships, done openly and honestly. Maybe you’ve had caring feelings for someone else even though you love your spouse or partner as deeply as always. Maybe you’re single; you want a committed relationship with someone; but you don’t want to give up the freedom to date others with integrity. Maybe you and your spouse or partner already live a polyamorous lifestyle-but sometimes you aren’t sure how to proceed. Maybe the two of you would like to bring a third partner, or more, into your hearts and home as a triad, quad, etc., but you aren’t sure how to go about it. Maybe you are already a family of three, four, or more, but the complex interpersonal dynamics threaten to overwhelm you. In these pages you’ll find guidance about- what polyamory is and is not; communication, conflict resolution, and emotional growth; ethical considerations; sexual hygiene; children; wills, discrimination, and legal hassles; and much more. Whether you are well experienced with polyamory, or new at it, or curious about it, you’ll find answers here, all conveniently arranged in numbered sections for easy reference. The author has had many decades of experience living various forms of polyamory, including in a multi-adult household, in a polyamorous couple, and as a secondary. He is co-founder of three local polyamory groups and has led workshops at various polyamory conferences.
Zoals de titel al aangeeft is dit een ‘handboek’. Het is daarmee erg praktisch en zakelijk gericht. Er is wel wat aandacht voor emoties maar dan meer in de zin van ‘hoe om te gaan met’. Deze praktische zaken zijn echter ook elders te vinden in betere boeken met meer diepgang. Daarmee is dit een vrij oninteressant en overbodig boek. Links laten liggen dus….
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